Vashe Wound Solution is a wound cleanser containing Pure Hypochlorous Acid: a vital molecule produced by the human body’s own immune system when fighting harmful bacteria and infection.
Vashe is backed by more Level 1 evidence, consensus guidelines, and published clinical science than any other branded wound cleanser on the market.1-4

with Pure Hypochlorous Acid

The #1 Wound Cleanser in U.S. Hospitals*

Safe. Effective. Pure.
- Contains Pure Hypochlorous Acid
- Can be used on acute and chronic wounds, dermal lesions, stage I-IV pressure injuries, diabetic ulcers, post-surgical wounds, burns, abrasions, donor sites and more
- No clinical contraindications for use
- Produced by a proprietary electrochemical process, ensuring a pH no greater than 5.5, the same pH level as healthy, healing skin
What makes Vashe so powerful?
Clinical results using Vashe
Vashe saves time and money:
Where and when to use Vashe
How to get Vashe
Unmatched Support
With so many potential variables, consistent wound cleansing seems impossible. When asked, almost half of clinicians said evidence-based practice is only attainable with continuous education and compelling evidence.23

Using Vashe throughout a hospital or hospital system has far-reaching benefits for both patients and caregivers and helps ensure consistent, effective care.

With an evidence-based custom protocol that meets any facility’s needs & treatment guidelines.

Reduce SKUs
With a versatile solution that’s appropriate for use in all departments

Empower Staff
With tailored education: webinars, in person, or via many peer-reviewed publications

Meets all new consensus guidelines requirements

Allows you to standardize your practice

Enables continuity of care that can lead to better outcomes.
Never Compromise.
For more information on how Vashe can help your facility, or to get in touch with your local Vashe account manager, contact our customer success team.
Connect with Us* Clarivate Market Share Data, Cleansers, June 2023
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